Private Readings or Regressions Anytime – Call Lori 253-455-5170

Healthy Bio Solutions Owner, Tarot, Reiki Master


Janice churchillJanice Churchill brings the use of Shungite and other tools to expand, activate and strengthen your life-force energy field. In today’s world, we are surrounded by an invisible world of digital EMFs/RFs – all of these stress out our Analog bodies. When your life-force energy field is collapsed due to digital frequencies it allows in dis-ease. Using Applied Kinesiology she can show you what the body wants and doesn’t want. Also, she has been certified since 2006 as a Reiki Master, offering Reiki Energy Healing and Divine Guidance with Tarot.

The Electrified World, Balancing your inner and outer world.

I offer accurate and economical in-house testing and Resolutions for you, your home, office or business. We test 5 areas for EMFs/RFs including Electrical and Magnetic Fields(EMFs), Radio Frequency (Microwaves), Dirty Electricity and Geopathic Stress. Based on my findings, I offer natural, wholistic Mitigation Solutions for you, home, office and vehicle.

One of the greatest Reiki healing health benefits is stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the bodies natural healing abilities, and improves and maintains health. Reiki healing is a natural therapy that gently balances life energies and brings health and well being to the recipient. During a Reiki Healing Energy session I use the power of Shungite, Tuning Forks, and Crystals for optimal healing experience.

Need guidance for a situation at work? or career/ purpose in life? Want to know who they really are in your life? Are they your soulmate, lifeJanice Churchill Daughter of the Moon partner or is it a karmic relationship? Seeking for more meaning in your life? Is there a higher purpose in your existence? Let my divine guidance with Daughter of the Moon Tarot Cards created by Fiona Morgan assist you. I use Daughter of the Moon Tarot Cards because we are ALL equal, there is no hierarchy (King, Queen, etc) cards, they are round cards, not traditional square cards.

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