Spring brings the energy of Renewal. Saturn is also taking a leisurely stroll backward as well. It will be retrograde until the first of August. Thus giving you time to Re-vise, Re-do, Re-structure and Re-organize yourself, your finances, your relationships and all other parts of your life.
We sometimes find ourselves running around and are so busy, that we have little time to reflect. You know how our computers are always updating, whether we are ready or not. It behooves us to slow down and deliberately take a break to do the same.
You don’t need to throw everything out, it’s just like Spring Cleaning, but do it in the many levels of your life. Clear out the accumulated stuff and even beliefs and ideas that you’ve gathered. Toss out those that don’t support you anymore.
First of all, start with yourself – Get rid of all the ‘Should’s’ you’ve burden yourself down with. List them into ‘Want’s’ or Don’t Want’s, you’ll feel better about what you are choosing to have in your life.
Should’s are heavy energy, like a big trunk with no wheels that you are dragging around because you feel you Have to – but know that you really don’t want to do it.
Yes. Life sometimes does give us tasks or obligations we really don’t want to do. But if you tell yourself “Yes, I WANT to take this on for now because . . . (fill in the blank). You will find that you are coming from a more positive energy that doesn’t drain you so much, especially if you have determined the WHY that makes you willing to do it.
Learning to Love and Accept ourselves is one of the major lessons we came to Earth to learn. When you can look at it from a bigger perspective and remember that the truth is that we are, really Spiritual Beings who right now, are having a Human Experience. It makes it a little easier to accept our self with more Compassion and Love.
I’ve heard many say, Well, Yeah, I love myself except for this and this and they continue on and on. Self-criticism, really is Not a desirable state.
I love what St. Francis told us to say to help us past the self-criticism mode.
I love myself just the way I am and I am getting better every day.
Dealing, with our so call Flaws can be a challenge. With that said I would like to introduce you to Renee Airya. She was a young model that had a brain tumor but during surgery her nerves were damaged leaving her with one side of her face frozen.
She has become a favored, inspirational speaker at many events as she tells her story. The Doctors told her there was Nothing more that could be done. But she is a fighter that would not take NO for an answer. She said, I WILL Smile again.
She, not only smiles but inspires us with the insight she gained on her journey to regain her Self Esteem. Please take a couple of minutes to check her out on You Tube. Go to – Flip your Flaws by Renee Airya.
Enjoy, a beautiful Springtime. Be gentle with yourself and those you love, as you Re-design a happier and more rewarding life.
When you feel better about yourself you are rideing in a higher vibration and thereby attacting more good into your life.
Wishing you Joy in your Heart and All things Good.
Many Blessings, Lori