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Author of The Remen Q̅ Method & Emotional Patterns.


Val MooreThe Remen Q̅ Method

Change worry, guilt, stress, shame, etc., to calm and

inner peace in minutes!

In a world of chaos, this book will help you create inner peace. You will learn a simple, life-changing four-step process for creating inner peace, the power of the heart, and transforming your reality. The Remen Q̅ Method uses the heart as a guide to inner peace. Achieving inner peace opens you to joy, wellness, empowerment and more energy.

Valeria had spent decades exploring the foundations of our consciousness as a teacher and practitioner ofremen q book cover meditation, healing arts, and emotional release therapies. But, she had a feeling that something was missing no matter how much she read, healed, studied, or meditated. Her heart continued to be gnawed by shame, guilt, confusion, humiliation, hopelessness, anger, grief, and emptiness. She felt no sense of peace. Then in the fall of 2013, she knew that she was no longer a teacher or practitioner of others’ healing art methods. She was ill and exhausted. Her body was failing due to a lack of nurturance.

Shortly before her “retirement,” she had set an intention to know a process for an emotional release that was simple and would not create a bypass, a temporary change that led to disappointment. The desired process would also transform all emotional patterns related to an issue at once. Shortly after entering that “wish” into her journal, she heard her inner voice say, ‘there’s an easier way.’ She then experienced a knowing of a series of steps for changing the created patterns of non-peace to peace. It would be four more years before she understood that this method, Remen Q̅, was about the heart, peace, and non-peace.  The Remen Q̅ Method is a tool for achieving inner peace at the moment of nonpeace. This technique is a doityourself process that is simple and effective.

Emotional Patterns: Formerly Healer Wisdom

Have you wondered what might be the underlying emotional connection to a physical problem?Emotional Patterns-Formerly Healer Wisdom

Emotional Patterns is a metaphysical analysis of over 500 diseases, disorders and traumas. Each disease, disorder or trauma has a specific set of underlying fears, emotional states and created patterns (beliefs) that provide a look at what patterns might be held in the body.  This body of wisdom continues to grow and is available online with a subscription.  There are nearly 700 maladies currently in the database.


Valeria Moore has over 20 years of exploring the mind-heart-body connection to disease, disorder and trauma through her work with clients and intuitive research. She has trained with a wide variety of teachers in healing and transformation philosophies.

This book is for anyone on a journey of healing as either a healing arts professional or an individual exploring the foundations of non-peace (dis-ease). The information has been written to provide a catalyst of recognition that opens the doors to the next level of growth in a personal development journey.


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