Private Readings or Regressions Anytime – Call Lori 253-455-5170

Call NOW! 253.455.5170 Find answers to life challenges from across the veil.

Intuitive Counseling

Spirit Whispers

Your Spiritual Guides are always Whispering to you

Helping you grow, evolve and to feel more Peace and Joy.

Spirit Guided Counseling

Working with you and your guides to help you through life’s challenges.

Finding ways to empower yourself, and help you make happier choices.


Not everyone needs a Psychiatrist but . . . . .

Everyone benefits when they have someone to talk to.

Some one who really hears you and helps you sort out your thoughts and feelings.

Someone to inspire you to get your juices flowing and help you reach decisions.

Stop sabotaging and beating up on yourself and make your dream a reality.

If nothing ever changed there would be no butterflies…….


Get help with:

  • Love
  • Finances
  • Past Lives
  • Direction
  • Decisions
  • Issues at work
  • Spiritual Growth

The Butterfly is known as the symbol of Transformation

We are very much like the Butterfly, starting like the caterpillar, concerned only with our very earthy life. Then we may feel an inner yearning that makes us want more, feeling that something still, feels missing and knowing that there really must be something more to life. Even finding ourselves asking. Is this all there is?

There actually is a name for this feeling; it is called hearing the Clarion Call or Waking-up. This is when we move into our own style of going into the Chrysalis. We may start asking questions, going within, contemplating, praying, meditating, changing, and looking for a deeper meaning to our lives and wondering, What is my purpose? or Why am I here?

Sometimes, trying many paths. We may find one path that works for us for awhile or choose a collection of many paths until we feel that connection to Spirit in a way that truly supports us. Finally transforming and ‘Finding our Wings’ we become the Butterfly.

Of course the journey is not over yet, there are still challenges ahead as we grow and evolve. As we feel the shift and start perceiving life from a higher realm of consciousness we gain deeper understanding. Then it’s easier to step out of getting caught up so much in the fear as we move into the higher vibration of peace and love for all creatures and beings.

Spirited Guided Counseling can gently help you uncover the layers

and bring more Purpose and Joy into your life.

* * *

Lori’s inspiration, wisdom and intuitional abilities helped me to leave my high tech job and achieve my dream of working in something meaningful with the ecology of our beautiful earth.
David Sanders

I experienced major breakthrough working with Lori, I discovered that I could not block or sensor in her sessions, I was encouraged and supported to move through blocks and create awesome change in my life. I believe what Lori does works hand in hand with conventional therapy to facilitate rapid and lasting spiritual and personal growth.
I Uta


Working with Lori to remove the blocks and fears helped me through law school. I am now an Attorney helping young mothers with legalities so they can raise their children in safety.


Gift Certificates Available

Appointments can be made for Day, Evening and some Sundays

For more information you can call Lori Aletha at 253-455-5170

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