Private Readings or Regressions Anytime – Call Lori 253-455-5170

Call NOW! 253.455.5170 Find answers to life challenges from across the veil.

Tarot Readings with Lori

A Tarot Reading with Lori will often come through as a consultation as she asks your Spirit Guides to also bring through help and guidance. A Reading is much like having a weather report and a road map.  Recognizing the fact that we all have Free Will, it is helpful to know what is headed your way, so you can make wiser decisions.

You may want to ask questions about ….

  • Your Love life
  • Finances
  • Past Lives
  • Direction and Decisions
During the Reading I got some past life info about my boss. This helped me handle the situation better. Once the issue was understood and addressed, my transfer to a better department came through.
Jennifer B.

Appointments: Day, Evenings and some Sundays

Tarot Consultations by Phone

Available for Readings For Parties

Having a Reader at your party can always

make a party more fun

Gift Certificates Available

For more information you can call Lori Aletha at 253-455-5170

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