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The Power of Prayer

​ As you know, God has been called by many names. It depends on which Religion or Belief System you follow. Yet we are all speaking of the same Higher Power. Many have substituted the name The Universe or The Source. When Star Wars was so popular, some even started...

Now is a Good Time to Evaluate Your Life

    For a year and a half, most of us feel like we are just emerging from Lock Down. We’ve been seeing very little of the outside world for quite a long time.  First, I want to applaud and give Thanks to those People that actually Did go to work during these...

Creating a Happier and more Prosperous Life.

    Spring brings the energy of Renewal. Saturn is also taking a leisurely stroll backward as well. It will be retrograde until the first of August. Thus giving you time to Re-vise, Re-do, Re-structure and Re-organize yourself, your finances, your relationships and...

What have you Added to the World today?

    Every day, Heroes are around us all the time, yet we rarely hear about them. When we listen to the News and catch the headlines it sometimes feels like a World gone mad. Have you noticed though how it sells papers when they have a negative story to catch our...

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